This is my friend Disa and these are a few reasons why i like her so much:
- she has a contagious laugher combined with an extremely weird sense of humor (which leads to awkard situations at konsum or the school canteen)
- she's like really well-read and knows (a bit too) much. don't know how many times i've started an argument with "disa says that + (insert smart statement)"
- if they'd invent a new olympic event in "fastest person in the restrooms", she'd definitely win!
- i often find myself shaking with laughter when i think about things that we've said or done (vad skrattar du åt helena?)
- she's a matmamma and brings me cookies and pastries at school <3
HAHAHA, vad skrattar du åt helena XD åhh vilket fint inlägg linnea, det gjorde mig så glad. du är en av de finaste människorna jag vet, kommer alltid ta med kakor till dig <3 (ska tom skicka till briston ;) )
SvaraRaderaSV: jag är sjukt koncentrerad, oja!
SvaraRaderasött inlägg förresten :D